intmain() {
int a =1;
if (a ==999)
// This is a very long comment to test the `overflow` attribute defined in CSS. The `overflow` property in CSS deals with the content when it overflows the block-level container. It can take the following values: `visible` (default), `hidden`, `scroll`, `auto`, and `clip`.
// If `visible` is specified, the content is not clipped and can render outside the container. If `hidden` is specified, the content is clipped and the rest of the content will be invisible. If `scroll` is specified, the browser should provide a scrolling mechanism for the user to access the clipped content.
intmain() {
int a =1;
if (a ==999)
// This is a very long comment to test the `overflow` attribute defined in CSS. The `overflow` property in CSS deals with the content when it overflows the block-level container. It can take the following values: `visible` (default), `hidden`, `scroll`, `auto`, and `clip`.
// If `visible` is specified, the content is not clipped and can render outside the container. If `hidden` is specified, the content is clipped and the rest of the content will be invisible. If `scroll` is specified, the browser should provide a scrolling mechanism for the user to access the clipped content.
intmain() {
int a =1;
if (a ==999)
// This is a very long comment to test the `overflow` attribute defined in CSS. The `overflow` property in CSS deals with the content when it overflows the block-level container. It can take the following values: `visible` (default), `hidden`, `scroll`, `auto`, and `clip`.
// If `visible` is specified, the content is not clipped and can render outside the container. If `hidden` is specified, the content is clipped and the rest of the content will be invisible. If `scroll` is specified, the browser should provide a scrolling mechanism for the user to access the clipped content.
1intmain() {
2int a =1;
3if (a ==999)
4// This is a very long comment to test the `overflow` attribute defined in CSS. The `overflow` property in CSS deals with the content when it overflows the block-level container. It can take the following values: `visible` (default), `hidden`, `scroll`, `auto`, and `clip`.
5// If `visible` is specified, the content is not clipped and can render outside the container. If `hidden` is specified, the content is clipped and the rest of the content will be invisible. If `scroll` is specified, the browser should provide a scrolling mechanism for the user to access the clipped content.
6 }
intmain() {
int a =1;
if (a ==999)
// This is a very long comment to test the `overflow` attribute defined in CSS. The `overflow` property in CSS deals with the content when it overflows the block-level container. It can take the following values: `visible` (default), `hidden`, `scroll`, `auto`, and `clip`.
// If `visible` is specified, the content is not clipped and can render outside the container. If `hidden` is specified, the content is clipped and the rest of the content will be invisible. If `scroll` is specified, the browser should provide a scrolling mechanism for the user to access the clipped content.
intmain() {
int a =1;
if (a ==999)
// This is a very long comment to test the `overflow` attribute defined in CSS. The `overflow` property in CSS deals with the content when it overflows the block-level container. It can take the following values: `visible` (default), `hidden`, `scroll`, `auto`, and `clip`.
// If `visible` is specified, the content is not clipped and can render outside the container. If `hidden` is specified, the content is clipped and the rest of the content will be invisible. If `scroll` is specified, the browser should provide a scrolling mechanism for the user to access the clipped content.
Highlight Inline are not supported by Anubis2 ❌
intmain() {
int a =1;
if (a ==999)
// If `visible` is specified, the content is not clipped and can render outside the container. If `hidden` is specified, the content is clipped and the rest of the content will be invisible. If `scroll` is specified, the browser should provide a scrolling mechanism for the user to access the clipped content.